Self-Powered 12V 1kHz Desulfator
12V battery desulfator assembled on mint tin proto board
Note the enhanced turn off parts are on the board but unused
The output pulse is ~50uS wide and total duration is ~1mS, ~1kHz
Heatsinks were added to the TO-220 diode and FETs after this picture
12V Desulfator Schematic
Self-Powered 12V battery desulfator
Based on a circuit from Loring Eng. found on the web via a search
Desulfator Pulse O'scope Pickup Circuit
O'scope view of the pulse going into the battery — uncalibrated, for reference only
The toroid inductor pickup is similar in application to one used in a directional coupler
Tests so far indicate that the desulfator does not discharge the battery during desulfation
© 2009 Chuck Carpenter, W5USJ — Rev 27 Nov 09